Monday, February 9, 2009

Top 10 TV Comedies of All Time

1. Seinfeld- Without question the best show of all time. Nothing more really needs to be said.

2. Arrested Development - While Arrested was only on the air for 3 seasons, every episode was pure gold. Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Michael Cera were fantastic and the show was helped with a slew of cameo's and bit parts from great actors like Julia Louis Dreyfuss, Ben Stiller, Charlize Theron, and Amy Poehler.

3. South Park - What started out as a show about fart jokes and poo humor became one of the best satirical shows of all time. What makes South Park great is they go from satrical episodes to poo joke episodes without skipping a beat.

4. Frasier - During its run, Frasier was overshadowed by Friends, a show for dumb people and girls. However Frasier is not only highly rewatchable, the comedy is incredibly witty and very well written. Throw in sitcom pros like Kelsey Grammar and David Hyde Pierce and you have a dynamo of a show.

5. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Day man, what if Jesus was aborted?, the gang solves the gas crisis, the gang solves the North Korean problem, I could go on but you get the idea. Always Sunny has churned out about 50 episodes that you could stack up against any show above it on this list. If Always Sunny can churn out another 50 of the same quality it may be knocking on Seinfeld's door.

6. Simpsons - Some may think its sacrilegious to put South Park ahead of the Simpsons, its just that the Simpsons has lost its edge and is no longer really relevant. That and the South Park movie was funnier than the Simpsons move.

7. That 70's Show - Yes I know the last season of the show was terrible. Yes I know the last season got terrible ratings. But if AMC and Versus can forget that Rocky 5 was made then why can't I forget that season 8 exists? Before you hate on this pick, please go and watch a few episodes. Every character is perfectly cast and the writing is extremely witty and well thought out. Oh and for you Midge fans, according to Haney Midge was in a soft core porno called Sins of Desire.

8. Curb Your Enthusiasm - Seinfeld redux.

9. Chapelle Show - While Chapelle Show was only on for 2 seasons, or 3 if you count the season where they played clips, every episode was hilarious and the show itself left a mark on society. Ask yourself how many times in your life you said, I'm Rick James bitch, Unity!, game blouses, or cocaine is a hell of a drug.

10. 30 Rock - Here's the deal, I'm 23 and I wasn't around for I Love Lucy or MASH. 30 Rock is the best written show on TV now and I have no doubts it will continue to pump out great material for many more seasons. Also Alec Baldwin is simply incredible. I almost laugh just looking at him. DYNOMITE!

Best of the rest, these shows were close but in the end either had too many flaws or not enough episodes:

Married with children - Great show, great acting, but the writing got old and the storyline went from slightly ridiculous to change the channel ridiculous.

The Office - After last season I was very close to laying off The Office. However, this season has been brilliant and with a few more seasons like this it will most likely move into my top 10.

Just Shoot Me - This show is a personal favorite of mine but it suffers because it never really had any memorable episodes.

The Nanny - Another personal favorite although it jumped the shark when Miss Fine married Mr. Sheffield. Which reminds me that the writers of Friends are entering new territory and have handled it pretty well.

Cheers - Cheers didn't qualify for my list because it is a dramedy. And it takes place in Boston, and Boston sucks.

Smallville - Unneeded Baywatch style slow-mos, men in masks and tights, a guy who looks like a penis, and more homoerotic moments then all the Rocky movies combined help make Smallville CW's most successful comedy.


Anonymous said...

Paging Mark Haney...

M said...

It's sad that Tom feels the need to try to make fun of something I like at every chance he gets. Insecurity issues anyone?

Tom said...

Mark, I am complimenting the show. Writing unintentional comedy is work of art.

Hats off to them.

Anonymous said...

Thomas, It's time to turn the TV off and start thinking about the expensive Valentines gift you are going to give my niece.

Scottimus said...

better examples of unintentional comedy:

any movie with steven seagal

walker texas ranger

sci-fi channel on sundays

Unknown said...

The Nanny? Really? Really? And where was all this support for AD when it was on the air, I remember feeling like I was the only one who liked that show, but now everyone has it on DVD.