Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Haney Project: Meltdown in Atlanta

It's about time that someone devoted a show to the Haney's out there. Although, I think that they accidently wrote Atlanta, when they meant to write Kildeer (jk jk lol cats).

So, I don't really have much to say today, but I'm hung over b/c I drank last night (which is something I rarely do anymore), so I'd thought I'd write about something from my childhood/family/slash. If this is written weirdly, it's just b/c I don't really care right now.

-Growing up, we used to go on family trips in our van ALL THE TIME. Disney World, Disney Land, Yosemite National Park, Rhode Island, New York, Mexico, Montreal. You name it, we drove there. In fact, I've driven through every single state in the continental USA, and parts of Mexico and Canada. Anyway, one of the things I remember most about these trips was all the delicious fast food we would eat (most notably McDonald's). Now you see where my obsession with fast food comes from. It's actually a wonder that we never won the Monopoly game considering how many pieces we would accumulate. Anyway, whenever we would go into a fast food restaurant to eat, my dad would bring in his little 'Playmate' cooler with him that was stocked full of cans of pop. Because of this, we were rarely allowed to order a drink wherever we were, b/c we were forced to drink the pop from the cooler ( to save $). Imagine being 8 years old and going into McDonald's with your own cans of pop. Needless to say (yet I'm still saying it; totally going against my previous 'needless to say' statement), this was utterly embarrassing for me. Also, although you are not allowed to bring a cooler into an actual sit down restaurant (like Denny's for example), we were never (and I mean NEVER) allowed to order orange juice for breakfast. Mainly b/c the cost of it and you don't get free refills. I sometimes laugh at the thoughts of the waitress me asking what I'd have to drink and me looking at my Dad for approval for the OJ, only to be denied. Then when the waitress would leave my Mom would tell me that it was OK for me to get the orange juice, when we all knew this wasn't the case.

K, that's all I got for now. I'm gonna go and maybe get some food now. And for those of you in my fantasy bball league, I just dropped Rodney Stuckey from my team. Feel free to pick him up, b/c he sucks ass ball face.

Also, Tom and I will obviously be starting another bracket pool for the NCAA tournament and all of you are welcome to participate. It will just be on ESPN or Yahoo.Sports probably, so looks for updates on that.

Later Kimosabes, <-- (you like that Steve?)



Tom said...

I nominate this for the worst post ever on our blog.

I think a preschooler could have written a more provocative piece.

M said...

seeing as how you fit that description, maybe you should post something.