Thursday, February 19, 2009

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote: Marketing and Adveritising Edition

People who work in marketing or advertising - Whenever I talk to freshman or high school seniors I often get asked "what was the easiest class you took in college?" Easy I say, marketing, and this is coming from someone who majored in sports management. While we all bemoaned marketing and ad majors for going out 6 nights a week and only realizing it was the weekend when the bars were more crowded at 5 pm, we didn't make our feelings felt because we knew a rude awakening was in store for them. But alas, our good friends in Hollywood have finally pulled back the curtain to reveal an industry ripe with laziness and fraud. Shows like "Mad Men" and "Trust Me" chronicle an industry where white people drink, smoke, and fool around all the while pretending to actually be doing work. "What Women Want" brought this industry's laissez-faire attitude to the big screen but unfortunately the big wigs in advertising and marketing got wind of it and convinced the producers to brand the movie a romantic comedy. So to these people who do no more work than street corner charlatans selling Street Wise, your right to vote has been revoked.

Bud Light guy - This guy is simply a douche. Drawing a 1 ton dumbbell and letting us know it "weighs a ton" is not funny. And purposely drawing trees to cause a skier to fall is downright dangerous and reprehensible. Look, God gave you an awesome power and until you start using it for good you lose your ability to vote.

People who own Volkswagens - Personally I was split on this one because I know a few good, hard working, and cool people who drive VWs. While their ads have always been annoying and often caused you to change the channel, they never crossed the line. Now they have. This new ad campaign of "the people want this" or "the people want that" is so excruciating that I don't care if first channel I flip to is Gossip Girl because anything is better than those commercials. By purchasing a VW you are rubber stamping their advertising and marketing while also rubber stamping your papers terminating your right to vote.


MadLibbs said...


This post is idiotic. Working in marketing/advertising is nothing like Mad Men or Trust Me. Is ER and Scrubs just like being a doctor? No.

Tom said...

Scrubs is a comedy.

I watch ER and think there is no way I could ever do what they are doing. Yet I watch Mad Men and What Women Want and think I already drink all I would need to learn is how to smoke cigarettes.

M said...

After speaking to someone who is finishing up their last year of med school before residency, I've actually heard that Scrubs is a lot like residency.

As for this weeks people who shouldn't be allowed to vote...better Tom...better.

Anonymous said...

dumbest post ever