Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 Thumbs Up, 4 Thumbs Down

4 Thumbs Up to Nike: The following commercial is some of the best work they have ever done.

4 Thumbs Down to Barney Frank: In case you missed it, Barney Frank wrote a letter to Northern Trust demanding that they repay the federal government back money they lavishly spent on their recent PGA tournament. Here is the deal Barney, Northern Trust, unlike pretty much every other bank, is actually doing quite well. They deal with the comically wealthy and don't even give out credit cards because they see them as too risky. They took the TARP money because you made them take it, I guess in the same way that banks made people take loans they didn't want. But I digress, Northern Trust signed a 5 year sponsorship deal with the PGA over a year ago. The hotels and music groups they booked don't have the same refund and cancellation policies that a dollar store does. So please Barney, go back home and reapply your head to your ass.

4 Thumbs Up to Mel Gibson: First of all anyone who calls a female cop "sugar tits" is alright by me but Mel out does himself with this short on Jimmy Kimmel. Oh, and did I mention his bad-ass facial hair? Gene the bar has been raised.

4 Thumbs Down to Microsoft: This is completely random but how did Microsoft fumble windows media player? You have a program that is already on every computer in America. You have millions of teenage boys using it everyday yet you get absolutely crushed by iTunes. Come on Microsoft you are better than that.


Steve said...
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Steve said...

Tom, its not the software that drives iTunes its the hardware. Companies like RealPlayer and Microsoft may have made decent Media Players but if everyone wants an iPod then their decision of what software to use is already made up for them.

Tom said...

Steve, I understand that the iPod and other apple devices drove iTunes. What I am really complaining about is how awful windows media player is.

O'B said...

sunshine, lollipops.

check this out... chuck getting an overhaul?

Anonymous said...

sugar tits, what? why? and Mel are u kidding me thats just ..sit back, I'll get u help