Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Musings

Who the hell comes up with the words that ticketmaster uses to verify your account? Yesterday I got exodus and diapers. And the day before that I got holly and steamboat.

During Sunday's Academy Awards the cast of Slumdog Millionaire walked the red carpet and sat together. Much of the camera's attention focused on the two stars of the film (Jamal and Latika). Which got me to thinking, is Jamal crushed if he can't pull in Latika in real life? First the producers of the movie felt they would be good together and then in the actual movie she risks her life escaping to see him. In the words of 1981 David Bowie, under pressure...

Honestly, how do the Phillies get Cole Hamels to sign for 3 years and 21 million? And how was there not a strike over this? The union is fighting over steroids and HGH all the while completely ignoring one of the worst deals of all time.

I know a lot of you don't have HBO but if you do and aren't watching Big Love then you are a fool. More happens in one episode than in an entire season of Lost.

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