Tuesday, August 5, 2008

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote

"People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote" will hopefully become a weekly segment analyzing the dregs of society that still somehow have as much say in our government as you and me.

The State of West Virginia - See above picture and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwZ--jw_YIE

People with giant umbrellas - These are the morons who when it rains decide to bring an umbrella large enough to protect a medium sized circus animal. Not only is it ridiculous to simply look at, it requires that everyone walking around them to move out of the way.

Evangelicals - Should people who believe they can be "born again" virgins really have the power to decide whether or not stem cell research should be legalized?

People with STD's - If a person isn't smart enough to use protection should they really be deciding the leader of the free world?


M said...

I don't know if Gene knows about this blog or has an account or not. But if he does, then I predict a response by him on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Don't pretend like you don't own 12 giant umbrellas Tom.

YES.WE.CAN said...

tom please suggest feasible ideas. like our voting system isn't complicated enough.

Tom said...

How is this not feasible? If you are one of these offenders it goes on your record and you can't vote.

Scottimus said...

First, that YouTube video is re dic u lous. Apparently Obama's middle name is enough to sway the mind of at least one West Virginian voter. Personally, I wouldn't vote for anyone with Rodham as a middle name. There are too many sexual and/or pork related references that can be made.

On a serious note, unfortunately people like this exist all over the US. That's why it's important that well-educated people, especially young people, pay attention to politics and vote for the right reasons.

Unknown said...

You forgot that Rampage Jackson's vehicle had a picture of himself on the side....



Tom said...

Rodham...haha nice Scott.

And yeah Fig Quinton Jackson is a retard.

Unknown said...

Not that I'm suggesting that southerners shouldn't be allowed to vote (though the issue is worthy of debate), but, since I have been in Nashville I have actually seen two people wearing shirts that read "Obama...Osama?" with a picture of Obama dressed as a terrorist.