Monday, October 6, 2008

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote

Men who date women two years or more younger than them - If you have alienated all women your age and can no longer find a woman who finds you datable your ostracism from society should be complete. There is a notable exception to this rule; if you are Justin Timberlake or George Clooney and have successfully banged every hot chick your age.

Women who date men two years or more older than them - If I here one more girl tell me that older guys are more "mature" I may just punch them in the face. Of course by more mature these guys take them out to extravagant dinners, buy them gifts, and go down on them for hours in the hope that the girl doesn't notice why every woman his age said no thank you.

People who have their significant other in their Facebook profile picture - Unless your significant other is your wife or fiance there is no good excuse for devoting half of your profile picture to someone else. Why don't you list your significant others hobbies and likes in your profile as well?

The State of Indiana - When your best cities are Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Bloomington, and Gary you have bigger issues to worry about than voting.


Unknown said...

Did you honestly just insult men who date younger women? Not only is robbing the cradle completely natural, it is also completely awesome!

For women, bearing children is inordinately dangerous after 35 and impossible shortly thereafter. Men, on the other hand, are capable of fathering children their entire lives. This is nature's proof that older men are meant to bone younger women.

It is also a well-established scientific fact that women peak at 19. If you are a man and you are older than 19, why saddle yourself with yesterday's hotties when a fresh batch reaches peak form every day? Most of us are 22, so our opportunity costs are at a minimum now. But in a few short years, the differences between a woman our age and a hot woman will become increasingly manifest. Reconsider, Tom, before it's too late!

M said...

Aside from Gene's rant... you are aware that many of the parents of your friends, probably parents that you know and like, have a 2 year difference in their age.

Also, McCain's wife, Cindy, is 18 years younger than him you boner face. And I know you've expressed how awesome that is to me before. Don't even try to deny it.

In short...You are so dumb Tom. I really wish you would have consulted me before posting this garbage. It would have saved you some embarrassment.

Tom said...

Gene I believe you are still dating Ryann?

If so, pot meet kettle.

Tom said...

McCain falls into the Timberlake/Clooney category. Not his fault he laid wood to the best and brightest of Tinsel Town.

Don't Post said...

I completely disagree on the age discrepancy. While I feel that it’s more natural and practical to date or marry someone closer to your own age, sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. If you are not going to allow me to vote for dating someone younger/older, make it when we met. So, if you meet your wife at age 25, you are allowed to have a 10% difference in age either way (so a range of 22.5-27.5). If you meet at age 50, you have that same 5%, but this time it is a range of 45-55. Is a five year difference for a 50 year old man that big a deal? I say no.

Even my idea seems ridiculous but far less so than yours. Also, I’m pretty sure you eliminated at least 30% of the married population with your theory.

YES.WE.CAN said...

gene very nice counter but i whole heartly agree with the peaking age. this was the worst segment of "people who shouldn't be allowed to vote." if your a guy and you can spit mad game to get the younger lady more power to you. you so should have consulted haney, you got bitched with the mccain fact. However i do hope mccain upgrades to palin that would be a very strong move.

Unknown said...

First, I can't believe I'm still reading this blog. Second, I hope anyone who agrees with you is left by their woman for an older and more mature man. This is terrible. Third, spell check.