Thursday, September 11, 2008

That's Politics Bitch

Saw this on Drudge today and couldn't help but laugh at Matt Damon mentioning actuary tables.  First of all I was impressed he could actually read and secondly I'd love to see these secret actuary tables he talks about.

"One in three chance McCain dies and we have a one term governor as President."  How about a 100% chance of having a one term senator as President if Obama is elected?  Now that Matt Damon can read hopefully forming his own thoughts is next. 


Unknown said...

OK, I will disagree with MD's analysis because actuary tables don't correct for all the health advantages that McCain has. Still, it makes very little sense that one of the oldest presidential candidates ever would choose one of the most inexperienced vice-presidential candidates ever as a running mate. And say what you will about Obama's experience but at least he works in the federal government. Palin is less than two years removed from being the mayor of a town of 9,000. That's approximately the size of Oak Brook, Tom, and you said your last mayoral election turned on the old mayor's stance on fireworks shows!

Tom said...

While Obama has been involved in the federal government he wasn't part of the executive branch. At no point in his life has Obama been in a position to make an executive decision. Also, in Obama's two years in the senate he has spent all but 1 month running for president. Obama is without question the most inexperienced presidential candidate in history.

Unknown said...