Wednesday, May 6, 2009

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote

Selena Roberts - Let me first say that I think A-Rod is a huge douche. He is the ultimate primadonna, pun intended, and he is on a Michael Jackson like streak of bad moves. Having said that, Selena Roberts really needs to get a life. It's not like this is Woodward and Bernstein bringing down the President of the United States, Roberts has written a hit piece on one of the already most hated athletes in sports. And she did so with statements and quotes from anonymous sources. I can't wait for Selena Roberts' next groundbreaking book, "Kevin Garnett Can't Read."

Jon Gosselin - Better known as Jon from "Jon and Kate Plus Eight," Jon has apparently been cheating on Kate with a 23 year old substitute teacher. First of all, you have eight kids. Cheating is already morally reprehensible but it is taken to another level when you have 8 kids under the age of 6. I can only think of one instance in which it is ok to cheat and that's if you are married to...

Kate Gosselin - Better known as the OCD, hormone raging biotch Kate from "John and Kate Plus Eight." They might as well call the show "The Emasculation of Jon Gosselin." Kate drops no less than 20 condescending comments an episode while systematically breaking down every fiber of Jon's being. Kate is the definition of a hard C and thus should not be allowed to vote.

The Associated Press - In case you missed it, the AP published a story about Obama and Biden grabbing a burger in DC. When did the AP become TMZ? Between our economy dying, Swine Flu, and war in Pakistan it's not like there isn't a plethora of topics to cover. What's next, asking Biden how many hair plugs he moved from his neck to his head?


M said...

Good setup for the john and Kate plus 8.

Tom said...

Mark I only know how to make good setups.

MadLibbs said...

I hate Kate.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you know about Jon and Kate plus 8 means you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Tom said...

Anonymous - Jon and Kate plus 8 is pure gold. You watch a soulless man walk around and about every 30 seconds he gets a look on his face that says "God take me now." What could be better?