Monday, January 12, 2009

People Who Shouldn't Be Allowed To Vote

Stoner Parents - Smoking pot after college is immature, but continuing to smoke pot when you become a parent is downright irresponsible and reckless. Honestly, its not cool to wear ski helmets with "Grow Mary Jane" stickers when you are skiing with your kids.

People who wear cowboy hats in public - I don't think an explanation is needed.

People who wear letterman's jackets - Look, no one cares if you played football or basketball in high school, and we care way less about the marching band and chess team.

50 year old men who check their facebook accounts at the airport - I have enough trouble reconciling adults using facebook but checking your account on your company thinkpad while using a bluetooth headset is over the line.


Unknown said...

I don't see why stoner parents should not be allowed to vote. There is nothing inherently juvenile about smoking pot. Everyone likes to relax, and some people just enjoy doing that with marijuana. Furthermore, the casual smoker will have no difficulty performing their parental responsibilities even if they occasionally indulge their habit. In fact, since there is little difference between smoking and drinking (in fact, smoking is probably less dangerous and unhealthy) then all of us know from personal experience that parents who dabble in drugs (alcohol is a drug) are still capable of being loving, responsible and dutiful.

Tom said...

Well Gene as someone who has never smoked marijuana I don't think you can accurately say how the drug affects people.