Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Random Thoughts

Why are channels different numbers in different cities? Shouldn’t they be universal? There's nothing more frustrating than being in a hotel where you dont know the channel numbers.

With all the commercials nowadays, radio needs another breakthrough and I think I have it. You should be able to program your favorite bands/songs into your radio and have it alert you when one of those bands/songs is currently playing. Instead of constantly flipping channels without any idea what is on, this device makes the driving experience much more enjoyable.

Transporter 2 got 2 stars according to Comcast. They are just screwing with me now. That is a terrible movie and should be in the Unintentional Comedy top 10.

Has there ever been an internet installation that hasn’t gone bad at some point?

When did The Office officially go from a great show to average? I’m trying to pinpoint an episode and it has to be around the time in Season 3 after the branches merge. Survivor Man I think is the one I’m going with for now. The show comes back in September and it needs to get back to its roots and keep the show in the office, not in New York City clubs, at the beach or in the woods.

Is it bad that I celebrated paying less than $4 a gallon for gas today?

Where does puking in a bar rank on the Embarassment Scale? Is there anything worse?


M said...


I know that it's so unlike me to voice an opinoin, but here goes. By the way sorry for my spelling problems. I never progressed past the 5th grade reading level.

1.) Different cable channels in different cities:

b/c diff. providers, unless its satellite, and then I think its the same.

2.) Super Intelligent Radios:

There's satellite radio, which can makes stations much more specific and eliminate commercials. Also, there's always the use of an IPOD or CD player. If your favorite song, I'd think you'd have it on one or the other.

3) Office = Suck:

Yes it does.

4) Cheap gas = :)

As a Haney, I say there's nothing wrong with your celebration of cheap gas.

5) Puking in bar = Embarrassing?

Never. Puking in bar = Hilarious

Unknown said...

Yeah seriously, Tim get an IPOD.


Scottimus said...


I am a first timer on this site, and I have two thoughts on your post.

Regarding radios, satelite radio actially already invented your idea, notifying you when your favorite artists are about to play on a station, at which point you can switch over right when the song starts.

Regarding puking in a bar, it is not at all embarassing. Twenty-first birthdays and general nights of mayhem would be cut very short without the "puke and rally" concept. Puking ON a bar however is about as bad as it gets.


Don't Post said...

For the record, I didnt mean puking in the bathroom of a bar, I meant on the floor in the general area.