Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Music Review: O.A.R. - All Sides

"All Sides" is the first studio album for O.A.R. since their 2005 release of "Stories of a Stranger and since that album they have done a pretty good job building a following. That is until they released this steaming pile of feces.

"All Sides" is just an awful, awful album. In their first few albums O.A.R. did a great job of blending rock with reggae. As their popularity slowly grew the amount of reggae in their music started to decline as well. "All Sides" marks the death of any reggae influence on their music and instead announces with authority that they are ready to fill the void in your depressed emo life that "The Fray" once occupied.

"All Sides" receives a 1.5/10


O'B said...

This album is complete feces. We actually agree on something musically... a prime example of why I don't listen to this band anymore.

M said...

O.A.R. has sucked balls pretty much since they first became popular. I'm glad you're finally realizing this.

YES.WE.CAN said...

i have to say the album is decent. i think u should "turn the car around" on this one. and in other news my prediction for this blog is it last no longer than 2 weeks. and how bout d'em BREWERS. CC for prez.