In case you didn't know John McCain has suspended his campaign and wants to delay the scheduled debate this Friday. McCain said "we must meet as Americans, not as Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved."
The Obama campaign says the debate is still on and will only go to DC if congressional leaders feel his presence will help.
My take: this is a good move by McCain only if his presence in DC actually amounts to something. Warren Buffet, an Obama supporter, has called our current economic situation "an economic Pearl Harbor." I kind of agree with John McCain that if a bailout plan isn't ready by Friday than it would seem inappropriate for the two candidates to be debating when America is in a crisis.
Side note on Jackson Browne, who was on the Colbert Report yesterday: You are a dumb, dumb, dumb person. Just because you can play an instrument and use to write popular music doesn't mean people want to hear your political views.
Jackson Browne's new single, Going Down to Cuba, speaks of how wonderful Cuba is. Yes Jackson, I'm sure the areas you went to were wonderful just as the parts of Jamaica I visited were. But even when I was thirteen I realized that the Jamaica I saw wasn't representative of it as a whole.
One of the lines in the song mentions how they can evacuate when there is a hurricane. Really Jackson, do you realize that Cuba's evacuating entails government orders to leave their shacks and walk 5 miles from the coasts to higher ground?
It would be nice if one day Hollywood would take a hint from the sports world and not talk about politics.
Sup Tom,
I don't know if the move to stop campaigning is going to help McCain (it's not a bad play on his part, but I'm not sure it'll help, as neither he, nor Obama, is on the Senate Committee on Finance or on the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs). But we'll see. Putting off the debate may be a bad call, but again, we'll see how it gets spun around in the media.
McCain knows nothing about the economy, Wall Street, or finance. He has proven that with his statements during the presidential campaign. His presence is meaningless and as useless as Palin's comm degree from Idaho.
To whoever anonymous is, you do know that Obama's economic advisor is disgraced former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines.
And every econ or finance professor I have spoken to, which is 3, has said that when banks and other investment companies are struggling that raising taxes on the richest people is a bad idea.
Don't be so swayed by what you hear from people that are supposed to be knowledgeable in Finance Tom. I think Gene will agree with me from what we saw and heard in Finance Academy.
The finance professors you talked to are precisely the people who will be hurt most by Obama's tax plan. I agree with Mark. A finance professor is always and only concerned with his own economic self-interest (even if he disguises his motives with an oversimplified financial theory).
The finance professors you talked to are precisely the people who will be hurt most by Obama's tax plan. I agree with Mark. A finance professor is always and only concerned with his own economic self-interest (even if he disguises his motives with an oversimplified financial theory).
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