If NBC wanted to get better ratings out of its equestrian coverage, along with rider's hometowns and age, they should list their parent's net worth. Just imagine the story lines of the underdog rider whose parents were measly radiologists and could only afford an eight horse stable.
Why do we call all judges honorable? Imagine if a firefighter went around being called courageous fireman Joe. Even doctors draw the line somewhere.
Besides a Clay Aiken concert, is there anything gayer than seeing a bunch of guys chasing after a frisbee disc? Also why is it called ultimate frisbee? For a sport that is usually not played by frat guys it sure seems like they named it.
Why do accountants, lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc. perform pro bono work? They already spend the first five months of the year working for other people but that isn't enough?
wow-- this may be one blog on which we almost agree.I've just gotta ask...how often do you watch equestrian events and when are they even on?
Assuming that you wrote that Ultimate Frisbee stuff just to get under my (and Ob's) skin, I nominate you for MULTIPLE positions on the "Person of the Weak" poll.
I mean, the Ironman sounds like it was named by fratboys, and hell, so does the Superbowl, yet these are both respected. Holes in your argument Tom, nasty nasty holes.
Iron Man makes sense, he is a man made of iron. Not too difficult to understand.
I also don't hear frat guys using the word super a lot.
Shows what you know Tom... frat guys use "super" all the time. Of course it sounds more like "thuper" and is usually said in a high pitched voice.
I agree on the frisbee whole heartedly
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