Last night the Golden Globes awarded Slumdog Millionaire best picture along with three other awards. Kate Winslett won best actress and Mickey Rourke won best actor. Basically they Joe Bidened my blog, aka plagiarizing.
Also, Obama's Cadillac One -

And a map of the United States by GDP -
The Golden Globes may have Bidened your blog, but your blog just Bidened the prevailing critics' opinions.
Also, Slumdog Millionaire was not nearly as good as everyone is making it out to be and definitely did not deserve best picture. It is a simplistic story with characters who are either laughably one-dimensional, or, to the extent that they are complex at all, are confusingly so. The brother's final change of heart is absurd, as is the notion that someone could fall in love so completely with someone they barely know. None of the performances were all that great, except for maybe the cop's supporting role. Oh, and several scenes were nauseatingly over edited. All in all, Slumdog made for one underwhelming viewing experience. Everyone just wants to pretend to like it since they think its chic to vote a foreign film for best picture, especially a non-Western film.
Pretty sure that your pick of best screen play wasn't even nominated (The Dark Knight). Who could have predicted that? Oh yeah, ME! As for the rest, I think Gene has said it all.
Jealousy Gene? I just won't have it.
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