Indiana Fans* - Where do I about defending the hiring of a known cheater? How about the defending of said cheater even after he cheats again? How about cheering for him and chanting his name even after he has cheated for a second time because he wins? How about ripping and bad mouthing a rival coach who calls out said cheating coach for....wait for it....cheating! While those were all good, this gem on their message board pretty much says it all
"They were 22-4 while they were using under Sampson and 3-4 while they were using under Dakich."
So let me get this straight, it is better to win rather than cracking down on drug use and losing?
NFL Fans - Now I'm not talking about the casual Bears or Packer fan who watches the games or even attends a few from time to time. I'm talking about the adult fan who wears costumes, face paint, or owns more than three articles of NFL merchandise. To be obsessed with a team that you have no connection to demonstrates low mental capacity and that you are susceptible to group think, which of course leads to mob rule.
People who wear Uggs (with apologies to friends who own them or are buying them for significant others) - I had always thought that Uggs were ugly and never understood why you would wear a boot/shoe that 50% of the population wore. But then again I never understood female fashion so I just shrugged it off, that is until I found out that a legit pair is $130+. Why on Earth would you pay that much money for a boot that is neither unique nor practical?
People who subscribe to the New York Times who don't live in New York - Nevermind that it says "New York" at the top but if you are so obsessed with a city full of d-bags and a-holes than you don't deserve to vote.
*Editors Note - We, the neighbors of Indiana, have for far too long ignored their inbreeding and meth addiction and may share some of the blame for their current situation. So next time you see an Indiana fan hitting on his cousin step in and say something.

I also hate Uggs. If Ashley ever got a pair, it would be a deal breaker.
$130 for Ugg Boots.
Kind of like spending thousands of dollars a year on golf. But I guess it's "ok" if your Daddy pays for it. Talk about a waste of money.
tom's a douche. you know why
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