"Bless your heart sir, my son is in Iraq fighting for your right to protest." Unfortunately the video cuts out but she then follows that with "BITCHED!"

The picture above is a new feature from g-mail, Mail Goggles. The goal is to prevent you from sending drunk e-mails by asking you math equations. Pretty hilarious.
this site needs some information about the bears and nfl power rankings or something. thatd be sick. props to whoever tim and tom are
First off, use your real name "derrek rose"...not cool.
Also, Tom the Palin video is no longer available so either take it down, or find another link to it.
Welcome Derrek Rose. You may indeed be a historical visitor in that you are the first person to visit this site without knowing Tim or myself.
Don't mind Mark, he just need to get laid.
I'm pretty sure her son is not in Iraq to defend that man's right to protest. Nice rhetoric, though.
Ok, so I just watched the Palin video, and all I can say it wow, what a dumb bitch! So basically anyone who has a member of their family, close friend, their pet, or donated money to the Iraq war has the right to tell other people off? She says it like that guys owes her something, or should change the way he behaves because her son is off fighting in a war that he may or may not agree with. Man she really annoys me. AAAAHHHHHH! If I were going to vote, I would vote for Obama, just because I dislike her so much.
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