Tom: Hello Tim, While I can not own you in this argument over real space and time, doing so in cyber space will still give me great joy. Judd Apatow...Anchorman, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Talladega Nights, Knocked Up, Superbad, Walk Hard, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and StepBrothers. Boom.
Tim: Hello Tom, While your selection Mr. Apatow has produced some memorable movies over the last couple of years, I give you Larry David...Seinfeld Seasons 1-7. Curb Your Enthusiasm Seasons 1-6. This is over now, right?
Tom: Oh no Tim, this dance is just beginning. Not only did Mr. Apatow produce, write, direct the aforementioned movies, he also produced one of the most beloved TV shows of all time, Freaks and Geeks. Before doing that he won a little thing called an Emmy for the Ben Stiller Show. One could say that Judd Apatow is the potato of the movie industry.
Tim: An Emmy is your trump card? Mr. David also has one. Thanks for trying though. Also, Larry David stars in his own show unlike Judd, who hides behind the camera. I couldn't even tell you what he looks like.
Tom: Trump card? Hardly. Mr. Apatow was also the lead writer on the Larry Sanders show, billed as the greatest comedy of all time by Bill Simmons. While writing and producing the Larry Sanders Show, Judd also did an emergency rewrite of the Cable Guy. How did Larry David do on the big screen? Was it Sour Grapes or something like that? All I know is that it bombed and bombed hard.
Tom: Oh and I forgot, he also rewrote The Wedding Singer. BAM!
Tim: Wow, you went to Sour Grapes earlier than I thought. Drillbit Taylor, anyone? Just because you rush a movie, that doesn't make it good. The Cable Guy wasnt even that good of a movie. I would've hated to see what it was like before the re-write. Bill Simmons thinks compiling an NBA Live team while drunk is a terrific source of entertainment, so I'm not sure why you're deferring to him here. Do we know how funny Apatow is in real life? He has the luxury of using actors like Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell, Seth Rogen and Adam Sandler, who can make terrible movies funny on their own. David had Jerry Seinfeld, who while funny was not the best actor, Jerry Alexander, who has done nothing since the show, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who hasn't done much and Michael Richards, who failed miserably in his TV show attempts.
Tim: I'm sorry, Larry David has 2 Emmys.
Tom: Drillbit Taylor was a victim of Grand Theft Auto 4's epic release. Besides Drillbit Taylor made its money back unlike Sour Grapes. Julia Dreyfuss won a best actress in a comedy emmy for New Adventures of the Old Christine. Jason Alexander was a talented broadway actor before and after Seinfeld and for all we know Larry David turned Micheal Richards into a racist. Larry David didn't even write half of the Seinfeld episodes, he was basically a leech on Jerry and even now on Curb all of the dialogue is improv so basically he thinks about what scenes would be funny. Bravo.
Tim: Curb Your Enthusiasm doesn't need a script to be funny. All it needs is Larry David. I could watch him do just about anything and it would make me laugh. Oh, and George Steinbrenner. That is all.
Tom: Well I can not argue with fact that the mere presence of the man makes you laugh. I will take my bag of past, present, and future Apatow classics and go home. Till we meet again.
Tim: We can only hope that Apatow will continue to pump out quality movies the way he has recently, but Larry David has exhibited the staying power to be my choice in this discussion. No sour grapes, Tim.
Ok. So you had a mock (or was it real; either way it doesn't matter) argument, and there was no winner or loser? I'll tell you who the loser is of this argument. All of the readers. Thanks for the impotent crescendo.
Did you make up this conversation?
pitiful. where's theo when we need him?
We had a back and forth e-mail fight about this. And the crescendo of who won is supposed to be determined by the readers.
Besides I would never admit I am wrong.
We actually had this conversation, it's not fake. We just had it with the intention of putting it up.
"Besides I would never admit I am wrong."
One of the many genetic defects of the Fitzgerald specimen.
My favorite part of the argument:
"for all we know Larry David turned Micheal Richards into a racist."
You had to play the race card...
Bill Simmons should have no pull in this argument whatsoever...
nice play fig. the one of many genetic defects in the fitzgerald specimen. hahah hilarious.
and where is theo? i really feel we could get some quality writing from the ex-DI journalist.
also i would like to thank you guys for avoiding the brett favre saga. ESPN needs to get a life.
1. Bill Simmons is the funniest writer alive.
2. Theo is weak.
3. Everyone gets the joke "ossiceles triangle" right?
For everyone's information 'mark' is Haney. Greg, you should have know this from the hilarity of my comments. Tisk, Tisk.
And Tom, it's 'isosceles' not 'ossiceles'. (mockingly) "I weep for the state of our private high schools."
That was my bad, I only got a B in geometry.
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